Amplifying, celebrating and sharing the voices of migrants of colour through self-publishing, community arts and activism.

Facilitating community workshops and events in collaboration with local organizations and activist groups.

Collating and publishing zines where contributors can express themselves in unapologetic, critical and disruptive ways.

Distributing and showcasing our publications at zine fairs, exhibitions and festivals.

Providing public and scholarly presentations, talks and lectures on the political and pedagogical impact of zine-making.

Helen Yeung 希琳 (she/they) is a feminist scholar, PhD candidate, community organiser, mama, illustrator and zine-maker based in Guåhan and Aotearoa. In 2017, she founded Migrant Zine Collective with the release of GEN M, a cut-and-paste zine that celebrated her Hong Kong-Chinese diasporic background and the stories of migrant youth in Tamaki Makaurau. Her work in setting up the collective was deeply influenced by the DIY ethos in punk and the Riot Grrrl movement, along with her activist background in violence prevention for migrant and refugee women and youth of colour. The collective is currently co-organised by a passionate team of migrant women of colour, with Helen exploring new forms of self-publishing with Indigenous and diasporic communities in Guåhan.

Migrant Zine Collective operates on a 100% volunteer-based model, relying on the passion and dedication of its members to continue our work. While we always aim to provide a living wage for the labour of our collective members and collaborators alike, community arts initiatives often face a lack of funding, making it difficult to sustain and continue our work. As a result, your generosity helps us achieve our goals and continue to amplify the voices of migrants of colour in Aotearoa and beyond. Your donations on Buy Me a Coffee help cover the costs of producing and distributing our zines and allow us to continue hosting workshops, events, and pop-up libraries that bring our communities together.

Let's create together


Let's create together

Let's create together ✴︎ Let's create together